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Why Business Owners Should Create Talking Head Videos for Their LinkedIn Profile

If you're looking to step up your LinkedIn game and make a lasting impression in the world of professional networking, it's time to consider adding a personal touch to your profile. How? By producing talking head videos! In this blog post, I'll tell you why it's a brilliant move to showcase yourself through this approach, and I'll throw in some tips to make it shine.

First off, why should you even bother with talking head videos on LinkedIn? Here are 5 reasons why they matter and how they’ll showcase what you offer in a non-salesy way:

1. Personalise Your Business: In the business world, especially on LinkedIn, it's easy to forget that there are real people behind the company logos and professional profiles. Talking head videos give you a way to humanise your business. You’re putting your face and your voice out there, and by doing so, you're letting your connections and potential clients see the person behind the business. This human touch fosters trust and a deeper connection.

2. Showcase Your Expertise: If you're a business owner, you're probably an expert in your field. Share your knowledge and experience through these videos. You can discuss industry trends, provide tips and tricks, or simply give your perspective on current events. It's a chance to demonstrate your expertise and establish yourself as a thought leader.

3. Better Engagement: Videos are simply more engaging than text. They capture attention and keep viewers interested. Your LinkedIn connections are more likely to watch a 2-minute video than read a lengthy post. Use this to your advantage to boost your content's visibility and impact.

4. Build a Personal Brand: In the competitive business landscape, personal branding is crucial. Talking head videos help you build and showcase your unique personal brand. Be authentic, let your personality shine through, and watch as people are drawn to your charisma and authenticity.

5. Connect on a Deeper Level: In a video, you're not just words on a screen. You're a real person, and when your audience sees and hears you, they connect with you on a deeper level. They get a sense of who you are, your values, and your vision. This connection can lead to more meaningful and lasting professional relationships.

If that all sounds great, what’s stopping you from creating talking head videos to post on your LinkedIn profile?

Well, let’s just hold our horses for a minute. Do you really want to just turn your webcam and start recording in the kitchen? You’ll probably want to at least wash the dishes. Here are 7 things to consider before you get started.

1. Plan Your Content: Before you hit that record button, plan what you want to say. Choose topics that are relevant to your industry and audience. Share insights, tips, or stories that provide value to your viewers. Remember, it's not about selling but about sharing.

2. Keep It Short and Sweet: LinkedIn is a platform for professionals, and your connections have busy schedules. Aim for videos of around 1-3 minutes. Get to the point, and make your content easily digestible.

3. Be Authentic: One of the most appealing aspects of talking head videos is the authenticity they convey. Be yourself, speak naturally, and let your personality shine through. People are drawn to genuine, relatable individuals.

4. Use Good Lighting and Sound: Book a recording session at psg. We’ve created a bespoke production space specifically for business people to record talking head video content. The lighting is flattering, the set looks sumptuous and the audio quality is studio-grade. You want to showcase yourself in the best way possible. We’re here to help you achieve that.

5. Engage with Your Audience: Encourage comments, questions, and discussions. Respond to comments promptly. It's not just a one-way conversation; it's about building a community.

6. Be Consistent: Consistency is key to building an audience. Set a schedule for your video uploads. Whether it's once a week or once a month, stick to it so your audience knows when to expect your content.

7. Promote Your Videos: Don't just rely on LinkedIn's algorithm to get your videos noticed. Share them across your other social media platforms and in relevant LinkedIn groups. This widens your reach and increases your chances of getting noticed.

Ok, so one issue we come across regularly at psg is people are often quite nervous sitting down in front of a camera and a mic. They become tongue-tied and they beat themselves up when they make mistakes and need to start over. That’s ok, that’s normal. But to help you mitigate that, we’ll set up an auto-cue so that you can either work off a script, while still sounding natural, or even better have a set of bullet point prompts displayed that’ll help keep you on track while allowing you to speak extemporaneously.

Adding talking head videos to your LinkedIn profile is a smart move for any business owner looking to stand out in the professional world. It humanises your brand, showcases your expertise, and deepens your connections with your network. Plus, it's a fun and engaging way to share your knowledge and personality with the world.

Get in touch to arrange a chat with us and a tour of psg 2, where our video content production suite is located.